Venustas Ltd, Skopje
Venustas Ltd. is a Spanish-Macedonian company, incorporated in the year 2011. The primary business activity of Venustas DOO is the use of Protekal protein diet for the purposes of reaching the ideal weight, correction of certain metabolic disorders, all aimed at improving and preserving your health.
After several thousand successfully treated patients, in 2015 Venustas Ltd Skopje, Macedonia expanded its activities on the territory of Kosovo, and in 2019 in Albania.
Since 2020, our team works successfully through online consultations with patients all around the world.
Our beginnings in Macedonia
At 16th of October 2011 was held the first doctor education. In the Venustas's training room, the education was attended by 20 doctors from several cities from Macedonia.
Protein diet
The protein diet we deal with is a scientific technique and it is conducted under a strict doctor’s supervision. In the course of the treatment, we use high biological quality proteins manufactured in France, the exclusive distributer of which for the Republic of Macedonia is our company, Venustas Ltd, Skopje.
For Doctors
Protekal diet is based on PhD thesis of Harvard University professor George Blackburn done in 1971. In 1973 the Canadian ministry of health incorporated protein diet as an official method for treating the obesity. Since than 30 million people has been treated with this method throughout Canada, USA and Europe. It is a unique scientific method with which effectively and safely people regulate body weight. This diet also helps in the regulation of blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides. Protekal diet is carried out with doctoral prescription only. Protekal diet practiced only trained for this diet doctors. For Protekal diet can be educated doctors of all specialties. Do not miss the opportunity to attend the next free training. More information on the following phones: 02/ 2461 810 078/353 354

Dragan Markovic
CEO & founder

MSc Dr Gordana Markovic
Skopje & Pristina

Dr Emilija Najdevska - Gjorgjieska

Pavlina Sutarevska
Branch Director, Skopje

Mihaela Markoska
Nurse, Skopje

Bojana Nikolovska
Nurse, Skopje

Danche Cekova
Nurse, Skopje

Teodora Ristova
Administration, Skopje

Dejan Dukoski
Technical person, Skopje

Prof. Dr Venera Berisha Muharremi

Vjollca Bytyqi
Assistant Director, Prtistina

Shqipe Misini
Nurse, Pristina

Fitore Hyseni
Administration, Pristina

Dr Mira Caushaj

Klevis Caushaj
Branch Director, Tirana